Morrisby Careers
Explore our extensive careers library
Access a careers database with over 800 career profiles and 400 study options. Browse impartial suggestions based on a student’s results coupled with the tools to explore these and related careers.
Latest information in careers and studying
Our portal is constantly updated with the latest information and developments to ensure your students receive the best possible service.
Support students at key decision points
Subject suggestions for school, TAFE and University, based on the student’s results and their likely and preferred career direction. ‘What-if’ scenarios encourage student to explore alternatives and broaden their aspirations.
Evidence support with activity logs
Build a growth mindset with realistic activities to build and sustain momentum with a library of linked activities which can be actively assigned and monitored.
Track and manage SkillsBuilder
Morrisby Careers gives the ability to record evidence enrichment programmes and develop employability skills using the Skills Builder Universal Framework.
Analyse progress with data & dashboards
A powerful management system allows the production of helpful individual or group reports, plus the ability to share selected school-level data with colleagues using assignable permissions.