Morrisby Careers+ Training Webinar
Built on the successful Fast Tomato system, Morrisby Careers+ now takes things to the next level.
Designed for schools and careers advisers, the webinar will focus on the following:
- A tour of the student site and the manager site (formerly Morrisby Tracker)
- Assessments to aid student self-awareness
- Action planning tools
- Manager interface, to aid reporting and oversight, including key statistics
- Improved careers, courses and apprenticeship information
- Resources area and student careers passports
- How to track and measure careers activities
- Gatsby Benchmark analysis and dashboard
- SkillsBuilder employability skills tracking
- Integration with Compass+
- Lesson plans
These webinars are designed to provide everything you will need to introduce this service to your school.
This is available 'on demand'
The passcode you will require is 6FtBb?##